x propagation

Very good paper which explains the basic problem related to x propagation (9 pages)

detailed paper
http://www.arm.com/files/pdf/Verilog_X_Bugs.pdf (34 pages)

1 comment:

  1. VSD is an IIT Bombay Alumnus initiative which plays a role of bridging up the gap between the Concepts learned in Graduate School to the Knowledge applied in Industrial World. Building a Chip is like building a City. And the most important part of any Structure is the base i.e. Basic and Fundamentals of the CHIP Design.
    Our idea is to build an Eco-System for Knowledge Sharing. We have tried to squeeze in the concepts related to Chip design, Physics of Semiconductor and Industrial flow into very simple Infographics Macro video.
    Below link has the introductory lectures.

    VSD Team
